Tuesday, March 2, 2010

List of people I dislike (formerly my Enemies List but that seems a bit hateful and sounds like something that the internet would monitor for...)

New addition...

That guy from work...

You know who you are...

He was walking to the open lift in the basement and he saw me also walking to the same open lift but about 15-20 steps away on a 45 degree angle from his entrance to the lift of which he was 5 or so steps away...

He looks at me...

I look at him...

And then I begin the moderate courtesy dash to the open doors so he's not waiting in there with his finger on the open door button...but what happens....the doors shut as soon as he enters!

So...from my reckoning and since he isn't some kind of Jesus or magician...someone else was in the lift holding the door open for him and closed them when he entered...however, he was not dashing...no way in hell was he dashing...he was Mr Casual, sauntering to the open doors...I, on the other hand, dashed...and he saw me at least begin to pick up pace to reach the full dashing speed before he entered the sanctuary of the open lift.

He had a duty and responsibility to acknowledge my presence to the man or woman holding the doors open...he doesn't even have to know my name (which he does)...he just has to say 'Oh, there's someone else.' And I would have been there in less than 2 seconds...I actually got to the lift as it was shifting from the basement to the first floor...and this isn't one of those fancy lifts either...I may have pushed the button in the basement but the doors will remain open on the third floor once the passengers have been birthed...for a good 5 or so seconds...and then it would begin the slow laboured trek down to the basement...it has no sense of urgency...stupid lift.

Also...this was at 8 o'clock...in the morning...I partially jogged for 15-20 steps in my work clothes for this man out of courtesy...what a pr*ck!

And don't think he didn't see me...he acknowledged me with his eyes and I acknowledged him with mine as I knew this was going to be one of those lift holding shenanigans...but no...apparently he has no courtesy for his common man...meaning...he does not belong in the human race...and earns a rightful spot on my 'List of people I dislike'...which, obviously, knowing me...is now in the hundreds...

Or at least one.


Anonymous said...

does your workplace not have stairs??

James Antonas said...

Of course it has stairs!

Just not from the basement to any level within the building...you'd have to walk outside the building up a driveway-ramp-thing and then walk back indoors and wait for the lift...

There's emergency/fire stairs which I would take but they lock all the doors inside the stairwell as a security measure...so in an emergency, someone can run down...but at all other times you can't come up...

Don't think I haven't thought this through anonymous...I have, believe me...I have.

Unknown said...

let it go James...let it go.