Monday, March 1, 2010

Life is...

Here I am.

Sitting at my desk.

Another day in front of the computer.

Another day wasted?

Who knows...

Not me.

I was talking the other day to a good friend of mine about life, expectations...the whole shebang really...and a phrase cropped up that stuck in my head. I'm not sure the intention used when it came out of her mouth or even if I understood the concept of what she was saying, but it was something like living an 'experience life'.

Typing that out and reading it back to myself, it doesn't have the same ring to it as I originally thought it matter. What does matter is what I got from those words...and if in fact they have meant anything to me on reflection.

From my recollection my friend was describing a friend of hers who was living a life full of from the so called dreams and desires of everyday man and woman, you know, relationship, house, kids...puppy. Instead, it would seem that this person travelled around the world and had spent the last six months in South America, or some other native land that definitely wasn't Coburg North...or Coburg as some would describe their life to the full...chock-full of experiences, tastes, smells, culture, people. I think my friend was contemplating whether this was the way to forego those other 'dreams' as they didn't seem to be happening...and pursue a life like her friend.

I sigh. And then again. Of course it sounds like I'm breathing loudly now rather than poignantly punctuating my internal monologue so I stop. And then I sigh again. Much better.

Who the frig knows!?

Honestly...who knows!? Do you live your life...i.e. actively live it...bugger work and grab everything else with both hands...sure they'll be malnourished and bony hands...but's life with a capital L...and I and F and probably an E. But how can you afford to live that life?

You work a job that doesn't kill you or bore you and pays you half what you could be earning if you did work a job that killed you with boredom...but you get a pittance to do what? Travel...or overseas...volunteer in some backwater city and get in touch with real people...experiencing life...obviously not your life...another way of life...

I don't think so...

I'm of the belief that life is about people. Connecting with people, interacting with them...creating relationships...forging relationships and seeing them and helping them grow and flourish and all that do what you have to do (so long as it doesn't kill you) to get that good stuff.

Sure work might be boring...but you can go home and talk and share with your girlfriend and puppy...and meet friends and eat paella and drink sangria...or be a handsome and wonderfully talented actor on the amateur a find what makes you happy and go with it.

If it means travelling to a third world country or some exotic be it. If it means living day by day and enjoying what life has to offer...that's your choice. And if it means working a job, owning a house, and sharing your life with a wonderful girl and lovely people...then I can tell you from experience you will be a very happy man.

Or not...I don't actually might suffer from depression or something...I'm not a freaking mind reader...

What do you think?

Of course, silence in the Comments section implies consent with my I don't care either way...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How a person derives meaning from their life is up to them. There is no right or wrong path. And really no place for regret. We all make choices based on what our circumstances, needs and desires are at any given moment. How can you regret something that in many respects is completely out of your control? Frustration however occurs when what you set out to achieve, build for yourself, doesn't eventuate. Is it a wasted life?'s your life. You were just unlucky. Have another sangria, smile and maybe things will turn around tomorrow...