Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Oh Mein Papa

It's a rare day today, a rare day. Not only do you lucky buggers get two posts but it is also the day we celebrate the birthday of Papa Antonas.

That's right, it's been a whole year already...and here we are to wish my father a very Happy Birthday! And it isn't just a regular run of the mill birthday folks, no siree. My pa has now reached the historic age of 64!


Amazing! What a feat of nature! What a medical marvel!

Not only am I surprised but I am deeply moved as the man has worked non-stop for the last 56 years...according to his recollections he spent his childhood working the counters of his Uncle Andy's neighbourhood snack bar where he would water down the frozen butter or half fill the drinks but charge a customer the full price...happy times indeed. But he is still ticking! Not only ticking but going strong!

Here's the most recent photo of Dad taken at Christmas in mid-chuckle as he noticed a rather inappropriately placed bon-bon...

Happy Birthday Dad!
Love your Son

please send money

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