Monday, January 19, 2009

Reflection of James Antonas

Life is full of disappointments...sometimes bitter...sometimes they bite you...and sometimes it's one crushing blow or defeat after the struggle to keep your head above the water...or even put all your eggs in one basket and that basket turns out to have bloody great big holes in it allowing said eggs to fall to the ground smashing in a dramatic fashion spilling the precious yolk that are your dreams all over the pavement or grassy there they sit...dirty broken messy dreams...the egg cannot be put back together matter how many of the King's horses rock up. They're frigging horses! They don't even have fingers...they can't pick up sh*t! Stupid nursery rhymes.

Anyway, you have hopes and sometimes you pin them on one thing...this one thing...and after some time has passed...that one thing takes on mythical and mystical will be the one thing that will spell your ticket out of the particular hell hole you find yourself incarcerated in...and soon it's the only thing that will get you out...nothing else. This thing will somehow transport you to a better life and cure your ills. a callous slap on a sunburnt back...steps in...ending unicorn hopes and bunyip dreams...ripping up your one way ticket out and confiscating your passport until further notice.

But it's at these times you truly appreciate who you are and what makes you so f*cking're you...or in this case James're nothing if not resilient (as well as devilishly handsome but that's another story) you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and look at what you've got going for you...and you can't help but be somewhat pleased.

There are slow realisations and gradual dawnings. You convince yourself that this is a blessing in disguise. A very good disguise...but a disguise all the same. There is sweetness in life...that's the main thing. Whether it's sitting on a rug in the park on a warm evening, dressing up and going to a nice dinner and a boring play, treading the boards, writing inappropriate emails, eating frozen honeycomb milk on hot nights, sharing laughs, smelling loved ones, eating too much, jogging in the morning with no worries about the day that follows, closeness, laughing at your own jokes because no one else will, brunch on Saturday, brunch on Sunday, friends, and reading in bed with the light many precious and beautiful things that make what's important important. And you think these things will cover the cracks in the facade...and then you begin to realise...that these things are the important things...these small things make up the whole...and they are what make the whole so damn fantastic.

Life is life. You can't control it. You can't predict it. You can only try to enjoy it and not put all your eggs in a holey f*cking basket.


Anonymous said...

life would be easier to organise if we could predict things.

not big things... the little things like what the hell am i going to do with the next sixty years of my life that will make me be fulfilled, not hate getting up every morning, and allow me to go on a holiday every once in a while.

Why did i ever leave Ohio.

Anonymous said...

best ever


unky tone

Anonymous said...

so you're not going to live in Paris?

Anonymous said...

so you're not moving to Paris anymore?

James Antonas said... Kate Winslet...all is doomed unfortunately.