Sunday, December 21, 2008


Christmas is upon us. Creeping stealthily like some...creeping stealthy always seems to tickle us unawares like those rascally bananas in pyjamas. And even though the preparing, the presents, the celebrating, the drinking, the regrets, the recriminations, further drinking, pausing for reflection, resuming drinking, purging for New Year's and then drinking once more...are varied amongst the peoples in the world, there are common elements that we all share and should savour...

Togetherness. Friends and family. Love.

I recently watched the film It's a Wonderful, it wasn't The James Antonas Story, but thanks for the's a classic old film with a classic old lesson subtly weaved into the fabric of the film. The story is about George Bailey on the verge of ending his life on Christmas Eve. He’s in a massive financial pickle. He believes he is a failure and thinks that everyone in his hometown would be better off without him if he wasn't around or had never even been born. This gains the attention of his guardian angel Clarence who is sent to help George in his hour of need. George is then shown how life would have turned out for the people of the town if he had in fact never been born. It then becomes apparent to George all the people whose lives he has touched and the difference he has made to the community in which he lives. George calls upon Clarence and God to let him live again, and he runs home filled with a new appreciation of what he has accomplished in his life. There, he finds that his friends and family have collected a huge amount of money to save George from scandal and ruin. And just in case we missed the message, in the piles of money he receives George finds a copy of the book Tom Sawyer with this inscription:

"Dear George, remember no man is a failure who has friends. Thanks for the wings, Love Clarence."

I think there’s something in that for everyone…especially the wings…I love me some chicken wings.

Santa went a pimpin'.


Anonymous said...

beautiful film.

Anonymous said...

"Creeping stealthily like some...creeping stealthy thing". That wouldn't happen to be a Blackadder reference would it? Love it. My favourite season also.

James Antonas said...

Well spotted! And I season.

Anonymous said...

zu zu petals !
doncha know me !
definitely one of the best films ever

James Antonas said...

I'm not ashamed to admit that I was choking back the tears every 15 minutes watching it. It's interesting how much an impact that film has on you once you become an adult and start getting responsibilities and have relationships. I read one perspective on the film that said it was almost claustrophobic...George wanted to get out of the town so much...yet every attempt he made was blocked...he was stifled...and that's very much the younger person's dilemma in this day and much potential...wanting to break free...break out...poor George...and also rich George. It makes you appreciate the thing that is important in life is people...very nice message from a very nice film. And Jimmy Stewart is just awesome.