Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kindly let it pass

I was on the telephone with a man today...a man, what man? That's not important...but in the midst of conversation he uttered these words 'You're not going to get off scotch free.'


I heard it. He obviously didn't as he kept on talking and we finished the conversation. But it was like fingernails on a chalk board.

Scotch free??

What the hell is that?

Am I on the wagon suddenly? Am I some kind of stain resistant carpet? Is he referring to sticky tape or some kind of hard boiled egg concoction?

It's scot free or scott free, dammit!

And I let it pass. I let him hang up and end the conversation with no correction on my part. He could go out into the wide world and make the same mistake again, possibly making a fool of himself or embarrassing himself in front of a possible paramour spoiling a romantic atmosphere and future entanglements that may have arisen. And it would be my fault...not directly of course but indirectly...by my omission. I have allowed this man to believe that the phrase is scotch free when it very clearly isn't.

And I thought...what is the proper etiquette in a situation like this? Do you leave this man's boogers hanging? Do you lend a hankie? What's a nice genuine handsome guy like me to do? Should I have done what I did and let it pass...or said something...or nothing? Should I have not returned conversation at the end of the sentence containing the malapropism and in the deafening silence that would ensue mutter the words: Um...I think it's scot(t) free.

Him: What?

Me: Scot(t) free. I think the phrase is scot(t) free. You said scotch free.

Him: Did I? I don't remember saying that.

Me: You did. But that's cool.

Him: I don't think I would have said scotch free. I'm not an idiot.

Me: I'm not saying you're an idiot. I heard the words 'scotch' and 'free' and I thought I'd help you out in case you really did think it was scotch free and you went out and used it again somewhere and looked like a complete ass clown.

Him: I know it's scot(t) free. Don't patronise me.

Me: I'm not patronising you. I'm condescending, there's a subtle difference.

Him: Is there?

Me: I hope so.

Him: Oh, well...um...thanks for the help.

Me: Don't mention it.

Him: Right. Well...I better...

Me: I've got to go too...

Him: Oh...I was just going to....

Me: What?

Him: Nothing, nothing. You're going to think I'm sil...I can't.

Me: Um...what are you talking about?

Him: It's just that...I can't get you out of...oh never mind...I'll talk to you some other time.

Me: Oh...kay.



No one needs that. So, I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I don't care how blue his eyes are.


Anonymous said...

you are so weird.

he he he

James Antonas said...

Ain't that the truth...

Yes, I think so.