Thursday, March 13, 2008


There's been a bit happening over the last week...none of it important really...except one big mammoth event...the birth of another Antonas!

You'd think the universe would have had enough of the little buggers but sure enough...out pops another one. Now I'm pleased and proud as punch...especially because the Antonas gene produces some damn cute and photogenic kids...and it makes me an Uncle for the...6th time now! Not bad for a strapping young 25 year old...Jesus...I am getting old, worst part is, soon I won't be able to say I'm'll be 26. My youth is slipping by ever so slowly but also so damn doesn't seem like it but it was 8 or so years ago that I finished high school. Such promise...wasted? Who knows! But the one thing a new nephew does...remind you of how old you really are...and appreciate a new life with all the promise and possibility it holds.


That doesn't even sound like me!

But it's true.

Welcome Bruno and Yassou, Yassou!

Not sure if that's right in the circumstances but the only other thing I can say in Greek is Happy Easter...and that's not for another month!

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