Friday, May 30, 2008

Open Inspection

Sorry about the photo was such a stirring image I felt it deserved a solo post. Am I right?

Of course I am.

Whitehorse's Seussical tonight! Now I'm not one to whinge or complain...I am. But $80 for two tickets! What is going on here? It's costing me an arm and a leg to see these shows...and the crap part is I want to see the shows...I want to see these guys perform...but it's just getting harder and harder. I remember in the day I thought paying $20 for a ticket to an amateur musical was look! How can people afford to see these things? Movies are cheaper...and that's saying a lot! Ah well...we suffer, we suffer, we suffer in silence.

I saw a rental property yesterday...just in case you people weren't up to date...we're moving out of the CBD...and it was a great place...enough room, enough character...and I put in our applications...but there was a couple who also put in their application just before me...and earlier on in the inspection they had made some chit chat with the inspection woman and shared some I was do I set myself apart...I look a little businessy/stalker (I'm wearing what looks like a psycho stalker jacket...and with the glasses and my current really is quite startling)...and the couple looked a little bohemian (like one was a graphic designer and the other a graphic designer) I thought I better make a joke or while we're in the living room there's a big bookcase and I pretend to be looking at all the books and I say to her (the inspection woman)...'Is it wrong to want to steal these books?' - and she laughed and said something like 'He probably wouldn't notice...there's heaps there!' and chuckled a matronly chuckle...BANG! I'm in...definitely! I don't know how it happened...I open my mouth and God sees it fit to bless me with the gift of urbane, witty conversation...what can I either have it...or you've had it!

Of course saying this...we probably didn't get the damn thing.

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