Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One Helluva Pickle

How great are pickles? Seriously. They're great.

I bought a jar of pickles...well, to be specific Sweet Spiced Gherkins...but I couldn't think of a catchy title using gherkin...nup...not even now...nothing...anyway I bought a jar of gherkins to use in my sandwiches...and for what amounts to about $2...I've got about 10 or so gherkins. Can life be any sweeter!? Yes it can thanks to these gherkins for life can also now be a little sour too...a perfect gherkin.

It turns out that a gherkin is not only a pickle of a certain size but also a particular species of cucumber and that now 'gherkin' is usually used to describe any small cucumber pickled in a sweet vinegar brine, regardless of the particular variety used. It can also be used to describe a silly or stupid person...a la: Derek, you're such a gherkin.

Looking for nutritional information on the humble gherkin (it is would have to be...look at's a small green warty phallic thing...I don't think it can afford to have much of an ego!) I found that they are rich in Vitamin C and can have a mild anti-inflammatory effect...but before you go rubbing an briny gherkin all over your mosquito's not known how much of this effect is retained after the pickling process.

Also...they are considered a fruit!

Who knew? Not me...and now you do and so do I...lesson learnt.

And just for those keeping track at home...this post has used the word pickle 4 times and the word gherkin 12 times! I AM KING!

Stevie Pickle was never the most popular kid at school, especially when it came time for gym.


Anonymous said...

I haven't eaten a pickle in ages. now i want pickles & cheese on 9 grain vita weats or whatever they're called. But that would involve buying all 3 food items, and i'm too lazy.

Anonymous said...

Did i write this comment?

It would certainly be fitting considering the recent resurgance in the Blynas/Antman/Blant household.