Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Well, time has creep'd on a pace...and here we are. Wednesday already. Time has flown and we are now left holding the baby but refraining from throwing it out with the bathwater as we now live in an environmentally conscious society where such unnecessary water wastage is frowned upon but remember, it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile. and see Journey's End.

I think that was the gist of that.

So yeah, tonight is our last rehearsal in an empty theatre. Tomorrow night is a preview (I'd still refer to it as a dress rehearsal but there will be people in the that make sense? People are the audience...unless it's like animals or stuffed there will be people in the theatre...that's better...and a few stuffed toys) and then we open on Friday night...Anzac Day. That is probably the most meaningful and poignant day that this play could be played much significance that most people will never be able to comprehend truly without having gone through the experience themselves. And some may say that we should all be grateful that we don't have to go through that experience...and I am one of them.

We had a rehearsal the other week in which I...and here I must be perfectly honest...was completely crap...

You can at least feign surprise and shock...

I dropped lines, I got intimidated by things, I wasn't focused. It was truly an awful and scary experience...I have never sucked as much as I did that night...I've been terrible in the past but that was when I was doing everything right but was just lousy in a role...this was different...and it scared me because I had two big bloody Acts and I just had to suffer through it...painful and not just for me...I felt bad for the people on stage with me...I know how hard it is to act against something like that...but there I was stinking the place up...I felt terrible.

But that's a thing of the past...I'm on top of my game now and feel great and confident about me in this play and the play itself. It looks great for one thing. Before we started the other night I went to the back row (not too hard a feat as it only holds about 150 people and stuffed toys) and looked at the complete set with the lighting on...friggin' impressive...really made me's the best set for a show I've been in too (that's not saying too much though really)...but it just looks damn authentic and realistic too.

Everyone's performance has lifted and it's great to be on stage doing this stuff and all that other nonsense...they're great people and it's a good vibe.'s to tonight...I know it'll be great...and if it isn't...who cares...there's no people in the audience!

Ha...I am hilarious.

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