Monday, March 31, 2008

A Little Belgian...

I’ve been getting more and more into Tintin recently…I read all of the books when I was younger and they were in my cousin’s closet…I later stole all of them…and was ordered to bring them back sometime later…rather embarrassing! Anyway…you have to love the comic-strip…it’s so big and far-ranging and convoluted and far-fetched but it hooks you, I don’t know how but it does. It’s funny…because it’s not funny (like Asterix…which was hilarious when I first read it…and is now slightly less funny in a different more adult context) yet Captain Haddock is hilarious…and Thomson and Thompson just annoy me, as does Calculus…silly old man that he is. And it is unbelievable…Tintin has so many bloody narrow escapes and somehow has he-man strength and can use his head to beat down any opponent. And that Captain Haddock…he gets consistently spat on by llamas in one adventure so at the very end…he spits on one! Now that’s writing!

I’ve started purchasing them again for no other reason than to have them all (OCD, I’m sure) so today I bought Cigars of the Pharaoh and The Crab with the Golden Claws. I’m a little too excited at this purchase…so that’s scary in itself.

I think I might buy the DVD of The Adventures of Tintin – the Canadian cartoon series that translated most of the stories into film format that I watched growing up...

I am a loser, aren’t I?

But at the same time…I also bought my brother a DVD of Duck Tales…so I can least spread the loserdom a bit…but just a bit.

Who's the loser now!? Ha!

It's still me, isn't it?


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